Same as Abbie
Me too and I am almost 28 weeks
Me too, I'm 28 weeks and feel him kicking a lot downwards
25 weeks and the kicks are always in my pelvis. My guess is their currently breech 😅
Same but when I went for my growth scan this week they said baby is in breech position so feet were below belly button which would make sense why feeling so much lower down. If they were the other way round then the feet would be high up to feel above the belly button. Hope that makes sense x
Mine are quite low still too and go up to the line of my belly button 26 weeks xxx
mine are still all below belly button. i get the odd one that feels higher but all mainly low x
at 20 weeks they said she’s quite long and i don’t have a very long torso ! my kicks are mainly either side nearer my hips
Saw the midwife yesterday and she told me baby’s head is in my pelvis but he’s curled up and why I always feel kicks in my lower right abdomen. She said even though the uterus is above my belly button baby lives lower. She suspects he should move by our next appointment at 34 weeks :)
Yeah, the kicks are still quite low. My baby is still in a transverse position, and I’m 29 weeks.
Thank you girls x
Im 25 weeks and I feel them below my belly button! I rarely feel them higher up than that!x