Yeah that’s normal as breastfeeding can prevent ovulation I believe. Mine only came back last recently 7 months postpartum and I exclusively breastfed for the first 6 months , and then switched to combination feeding and it came back! So it’ll probably come back when you breast feed less often
Absolutely yes! Most mothers have their period return between 12&18 months, statistically, it's most common at 14 months. But some will return sooner, some go 2yrs or more! It's linked a lot to night time feeding, but everyone's body is different. X
Totally normal, mine didn’t come back with my 1st until 11m. Remember you could still be fertile though. BF shouldn’t be used as a contraception. 😂 only saying this cause I got pregnant while breastfeeding. X
Yes :) they will probably return when baby is feeding less but completely normal