Im a little confused if you were TTC why did you take morning after pill? Its hard to track ovulation from cervical mucus as it changes often, you would be better off using ovulation prediction kits for better guidance Ovulation will also depend on when your previous cycle was and how long it lasted, if conception occurred at the beginning of march you would have a visible positive pregnancy test at this time i would imagine Spotting doesn’t happen in every pregnancy so it could just be early signs of a period wouldn’t know without testing unfortunately
i’m also confused as to why you said you’re trying to conceive but took the morning after pill? X
@Amal I haven’t Missed my period but I hope I do and it’s in 3days
@J hello, I realised I have fibroids and endometriosis 3days after using that pill. And I regret it so much that I can’t stop thinking about it. Thank you for your response
Did you miss your period? The only way you’ll know you’re pregnant is if you’re overdue your period/very close to it and take a pregnancy test. Hope you get the results you’re looking for xx