She drinks 6-10oz when I'm at work. No idea how much she nurses when I'm at home. Eats like a tablespoon of solids and one rice cracker.
I would say same about 24oz he does about an ounce per hour 3 meals/ 2 snacks a day
@Mee i’m glad i’m not the only one lol
My 10mo is still mainly only having 6oz bottles. Sometimes he’ll take 7oz for bed but rarely. He’ll have one for bedtime, and for both naps a day so he’s currently having around 18/19 oz a day. 3 full meals a day plus 2/3 snacks he’s a right foodie! X
About 30, he eats one meal and a jar of baby food
10 months old getting 4 bottles a day anywhere between 5-8 oz each. Also eating 3 meals.