Have you experienced postpartum hair loss?

I am 17 weeks pp and haven’t noticed any out of the norm hair loss. I’ve heard it gets bad after 3 months pp. Does it happen to everyone?
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I didn’t get it until I stopped breastfeeding around the 1year mark 🤦🏻‍♀️🙃

I’m nearly 5 years PP from my first & 3 years PP from my second & I have been losing hair for years lol.

It started at 3 and stopped at 5. Now I have crazy chia pet regrowth.

I lost SO much hair around 5-6 months postpartum 🙃

Not with my first baby but after my second about 4-6 months PP I noticed a significant change! Took me another 6 months of product change etc. to get back to normal!

4 months pp-6 months I lost ally of hair but rn at 8 months it’s just the normal hair loss

Didnt experience pp hair loss with my daughter who I breastfed for 11 months. But experienced it with my son really bad from 4 months and breastfed for 13 months :)

The entire half of my head is a quarter of the length because of how bad my hair loss was lol. I’m 19 months pp.

Both pregnancies, it happened around 4 months

I was recommended to continue taking prenatals for the first year postpartum... I plan on following through! I hear too many stories of issues stemming from lack nutrients.

Im 7months pp and havent noticed anything significant. Definitely a little more than usual in the 3-5 month range but nothing crazy

@Liz I have also heard that helps! I stopped taking mine after I had my babies, so that may be why I had hair loss lol.

@Liz I took my pre natals for a year post partum and still had hair loss ☹️

Exclusively breastfed my first. I lost SO much hair 5m pp and continued every single day until I got pregnant again 7 months later. I’m so anxious now I’m hitting the 4 months mark with my second m and already starting to lose 😩

Started before 3 months pp and continued after, I wanna say it went away around 5-6 months pp.

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still breastfeeding but it stared happening after 12 months

We don’t all get the same symptoms. And it might not even begin or finish at the same time as others. I tend to deal w things as it gets here and not worry about potential ‘what ifs’. Like the 4m regression…all the mums were talking about how hard it was and at 4m I was waiting, 5m still nothing. 6m he slept and ate the same he didn’t get the 4m regression. My period…I never waited for it, it came back at 19m (could’ve stayed away forever if u ask me 😂) just take your multis, maybe add a “hair skin nails” to that, and enjoy your hair and don’t stress about it. My hair loss came at 4m but it lasted only 2m, by 7m it started growing in again and stopped shedding. So different for everyone. I’ve heard some mums 18m-2yrs pp still having huge hair loss. I’m just thankful mine didn’t last long. My hair is thinning but I think coz I’m perimenopause rather than PP.

It waits till you get your guard down and then starts to all fall out lol but it was much later on than 3 months for me. I wouldn't stress either way. It wasn't that bad when mine shed lol

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