Stopping feeding

Would anyone think less of me if I gave up breastfeeding at 9 months? I want to do it as long as I possibly can and was really aiming for the year mark. However my LG got her bottom 2 teeth at 4 months and over the past month now has her top 2 fully out at 8 months. It's getting incredibly painful and she bites down hard and chews and pulls and even digs her nails into me. I have to sometimes stop and take her off the boob it hurts so much
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You could try pumping instead of breastfeeding if you still wanted her to have breast milk x

She is going to need some form of milk up until the age of 1 that’s her main source of nutrition so you can either try and attempt her on formula which 9 months of ecb I highly doubt she’ll take to it or you can express and pump but also your going to have the challenge of if she will take to a bottle . What she is doing is just for comfort the nails e:g and she’s regulating your milk supply cut her nails e:g also the biting been there my son had teeth 6 infact push her head slightly into your breast she’ll come off and realised to stop and every time you do this she’ll get out of this habit of biting take her off and give yourself a breather my son did this all the time we got to 14 m of ecb and then he just one day didn’t want it lol weaned himself off

My aim was 1 year also. But my little one got her 6th tooth at 7.5 months and bit so hard it made me bleed lots. I gave her formula for a couple of days until I healed and now I express and plan to umtil she's 1

I was in the same boat so recently switched to formula at 8 months he’s now 9 months and is doing just fine it was a struggle at first getting him to switch to bottle and formula

Congratulations for breast feeding for this long! That is such an achievement and you should be so so proud of yourself! You should try not to worry about what other people will think and just focus on what is going to be best for you (I know that’s easier said than done) Baby will learn to take a bottle, it might just be that you have to try different ones/different teats so maybe do some research before you change! Pumping is also an option but be prepared to pump a lot to keep your supply up. Formula is also fine though and never feel bad for using it 🤍

Absolutely not breastfeeding for 9 months is amazing!! My son is 6 months without teeth and had managed to cut and tear my nipples which really has me debating giving up aswell. It’s completely your decision to continue or stop no one and I mean absolutely no one can tell you otherwise!! Your baby will be happy and healthy with breastmilk or formula

Please don’t let people pressure you into continuing if it’s not what you want. I had someone absolutely attack me because my son was poorly in December and wasn’t putting weight on afterwards so I had to supplement with formula for a while. She made it sound like I was giving him poison and I was ruining his life safe to say I gave him that formula and cut her off :)

Sweetie, 9 months is an incredible achievement! Please do not let influence YOUR decision! My son is now 28 months. I stopped breast feeding at 10 months, partly due to my physical and mental health. He’d started biting me and in all fairness I don’t think he was getting enough from me. One random evening I was extremely poorly, my husband had to give him a bottle to get him to sleep and we’ve never looked back 

9 months is incredible and if you want to stop that’s absolutely your choice. My 16 month old has a full mouth of teeth and I can’t feel them and he doesn’t bite. There’s lots you can do to maximise optimum latch and teach them not to bite but if you’re done that’s absolutely valid too x

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