Eating meals

I just found out I was pregnant on Monday , my doctor guessed I am about 10 weeks pregnant (waiting on my bloodwork to come back for a more accurate timeline) and now I’ve been having all the nausea and ALL DAY sickness lol . I just want to eat but I’m so scared I’ll eat the wrong thing to trigger me throwing up. Anybody have any suggestions on quick meals to eat. I’ve literally been eating pickles everyday and it’s the only thing I can stand to eat without the thought of throwing up or the nausea. Send help 😭😭
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Ugh, I feel this. I’m also around 10 weeks and been dealing with 24/7 nausea for 3 weeks🤢 some things I can manage are bread (whole grain for some nutrients) a little cheese, plain chickpea pasta, some fruit, and intermittently sour candy. Really, all I want is the candy, but I’m trying…hope you feel a bit better soon and maybe you can eat some of this, too!

Just some helpful suggestions, maybe some crackers, raspberries, banana, ginger ale hope you feel better.

Crackers before you get out of bed, anything with ginger, lots of water and electrolytes. Right now eat whatever you feel like you can but make sure you’re drinking. Also you can get prescribed anti nausea medication from your gp - they were the only thing that got me through wks 6-12 for all 3 of my pregnancies

I'm just like malia! I can eat some berries, sour patch kids, toast with butter, fries, occasionally other things but not often and not much. My husband makes me a pain protein pasta with a little butter and some cheese and that's all I can handle. It sucks. But hopefully at 2nd trimester I'll be able to eat other things.

Ginger tea is amazing for nausea and vomiting 🫚🫖 even ginger ale can help but be mindful of sugar intake I’ve also noticed if I freshly squeeze a lemon or lime into hot water and make its own tea it’s helped a lot with nausea and GI discomfort Bland foods are your friends: Fruits like Bananas and other non acidic whole fruits Vegetables like broccoli spinach etc. Breads, crackers, rice cakes Broth Eggs Nuts and seeds Hope you feel better soon!

Omg yall answered so quickly on here and that just warmed my heart cause I been feeling like actual crap and all I want to do is eat 😭🤣 I totally forgot I have been doing the bananas and they have been doing alright . Trying not to drink as much ginger ale cause I know it contains a lot of sugar . I’m always hydrated with tons of water and I’m sure that’s the biggest thing that’s kept me leveled so far. It’s just the horrible queasy feeling on my stomach that goes away for maybe a strong 15mins and then it’s back, I literally threw up from morning sickness this morning , felt amazing after but I knew I had to race to cook me some eggs and toast and even as I started to eat the queasy feeling just came on back. I just got some of the preggy pops today and i think they’re helping but it also feels like im racing against a clock. I get to go to my first obgyn appointment this coming week so i know it’s going to be the biggest thing i bring up to my doctor to see what i can do .

I forgot to say, I tried B6 and unisom which didn’t help me, but it does help others, so that could be worth a try!

I’ve found that if I’m constantly snacking or eating a meal the nausea isn’t as bad but if I let myself get hungry that’s when the nausea gets worse. Some snacks that have been easy for me: toast with butter and honey, cheese and crackers, seaweed and avocado, granola, apple slices with peanut butter. I’ll meal prep when I feel good. For breakfast I’ll make bacon slices ahead and make cheesy eggs to go with it. For lunch I alternate between a chicken pasta salad and just chicken salad. It usually lasts 3 days or so.

I survived on apple sauce and Honey Nut Cheerios

I think key is to make sure you've some food in your tummy even crackers help me too. If I stay hungry too long then I'll get nauseous and throw up. This is my 2nd pregnancy. I was vomiting all day long then started taking vitamin B6 I think every 6-8 hrs. It's helped me a lot to eat some meals. The nausea is still somewhat there but manageable

I recommend eating small meals every 2-3 hours to bring the nausea down. My husband literally leaves me plates and smoothies to get through the night. I listen to my cravings or literally think about food and see what I visualize because it's probably appetizing and go from there. Plain ginger tea helps, and I drink a lot of spring water; I don't care for sweet beverages generally, and prefer more of an infused water flavor, so I drink 32 oz. of lemon water, which is alkalizing against the acidic nauseated trying to brew in my stomach. I also keep up with my electrolytes by drinking Cure in a 32 oz. bottle of water instead of the more concentrated 8 to 16 oz. that they recommend. And for some reason, I crave Honest Kids juices when I'm pregnant, maybe because they were a local brand, but definitely because I prefer the more diluted flavors.

I can't get with any old school remedies of dry crackers nor fructose or sweetener laden ginger ale; that's only going to make it worse, create more stomach acid for me, and make me vomit whilst being completely devoid of all the nutrients that appease the nausea. And, if I fall out of the 2-3 hour window, my body is ready to dive right back into exacerbated nausea and pregnancy sickness with a vengeance. Then everything becomes gross, and I have to "appease the beast" all over again or vomit until my esophagus bleeds. It's a delicate dance to relief for me. 🤢

No help here cause I'm going through the same thing 🤢 literally as I talk right now I'm so nauseas if feel like I'm going to get sick. I been doing like juice mix with water to help settle my stomach and most times it works. But idk I've been craving more of less fried chicken and stuff so it's been a struggle bc I'm a sahm and can't really go buy fried chicken all the time. And cooking is a no go 🤢

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