Not lots pink in colour (2 wipes) but the toilet water was dark pink
Call EPAU or go there directly ASAP Might not be anything to worry about but it’s better to be safe, when you say you have wet pjs how much is it? Sounds like your waters have broken
Also how does your stomach feel after your scan? Any tenderness or bruising?
You need to go to the early pregnancy unit and get scanned. Fingers crossed everything is ok. Please don’t waste time
Definitely get checked out, but I experienced this also and my baby is now 6 months old and perfect. I had a couple of bleeds throughout early pregnancy including one after the 12 week scan. Always always check but it can happen and be okay.
It’s been a few hours is everything ok?
I had this after my first scan, they said that the pressure of the scan had just prompted some excess blood from behind my placenta to be released or something to that effect and everything was fine.
But yes, get it checked out
Please go straight to EPU and get checked out I hope everything is ok
We were told anything prior to 16 weeks call GP anything after 16 weeks we could m call triage. So see what it says in your book / text your midwife. You can always ring triage and they’ll let you know if they can take you. When something similar happened to us at 10 weeks, we called m the GP and they referred us to the early pregnancy unit and they booked us a scan 2 days later.
Thanks everyone. I called triage and they asked me to come in. Had a bedside scan, bloods and a speculum check and all seems to be ok. Home and resting now
So glad to hear you were checked and okay! It's really scary so be kind to yourself ❤️
I am so glad everything is ok!!!! ❤️
I bleed after a scan, had a subchorionic haematoma, that baby is now just short of 15 months old. X
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I had bleeds through your pregnancy & was told it was all fine. They told me that if it was pink or dark red it’s fine. Fresh bright red could be cause for concern. Regardless, if this is the first time it’s happened call MAU as they might be able to find a reason which will reassure you if it happens again. They will ask if you had sex recently too as that can cause a bleed xx
No this isn’t normal. How much boood was there