Trapped wind

My 2 week old baby keeps arching her back and grunting, almost straining and it is worse at night when I put her in her crib…I’m assuming it’s trapped wind but she is breastfed so she barely ever burps. This evening I have tried every burping position you can think of with her and she’s still uncomfortable. I don’t know what to do!
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My baby is a month old and breastfed - we had to use infacol in the first couple of weeks x

This is very normal. I remember the grunts (sounds like a little piglet!). Persevere with trying to burp her even after breastfeeding or try and feed in a more upright position x

@Rebecca do you have to go to the gp before using this?

@Holly ok thankyou

Hi, I'm a breastfeeding counsellor. It's quite normal for babies to be grunty and noisy, particularly at night. Arching their back however is a sign of discomfort. Have you tried "wonky winding"? I've always found that to be really effective, it's more about position to allow the bubbles to naturally come up. How is babe feeding generally? Is latch good? How long does she feed for generally? What's her nappy output like?

@Charlotte her nappy output is perfect, she’s feeding loads she’s put on 1lb7oz since birth and she’s only just turned 2 weeks, her latch is also good. I haven’t tried wonky winding no

@Charlotte she usually feeds for about 10 mins x

Wow that's a huge weight gain! Does she gulp? What are her poos like?

@Charlotte yes she gulps when feeding and her poos are yellow and wet, she’s just been for a massive poo but is still doing the straining thing, when she does it she tenses her tummy but she’s not crying she’s doing it in her sleep

I wonder, do you notice you have a fast or strong let down? It sounds like you might have a fast flow/oversupply which can cause some gas and tummy discomfort. As long as she's asleep I wouldn't worry about it. Many mothers find feeding in an upright position like koala hold, can reduce their babies discomfort, or laid back, so gravity slows the flow. If her poos are yellow that's great, how many is she doing daily at the moment?

@Charlotte he’s I do have a very strong let down, I’m definitely going to try the upright position! I would say she does 4-5 poos a day x

Yes sounds like that's what's causing the tummy discomfort. It will pass as she gets stronger and able to control the flow more and as your milk regulates. In the meantime upright position might help, and do some tummy massage during the day too. X

I also have a just over 2 week old and a fast flow and had the same experience. I've tried to add in an angle when breastfeeding to remove gravity where I can for my right boob, as that seems to be the culprit 😅 I also take him off the boob mid feed to help him slow down. We have also been using infacol for 2 days now which seems to have helped.

No you can buy from pharmacy - our breastfeeding team recommended it x

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