I’ve left my baby twice, once for an app and once for my birthday dinner. I personally don’t think it is OTT asking your friend to wait at the hospital with you, it’s actually a good idea cos it’ll give you peace of mind knowing baby is near by. You go at your own pace and leave him when you’re ready. Don’t worry about what anyone else thinks of it! If you want a break, you can ask for one when you’re ready
Definitely not ott it’s supposed to be a lot better for babies to have maximum time with the primary care giver to 3 so you are doing an amazing job. Do whatever you feel is right for you and baby x
To be honest I’d say the more you do it, the easier it feel so don’t leave it too long as it will likely just build up. I leave mine all the time with her Dad - I go do the food shop alone on a Saturday. It’s lovely 😂
Thank you everyone for the reassurance that it’s not just me and it is OK. I think I’ll stick to my gut and just do it at my own pace as discussed. I don’t have a lot of people to leave him with and I’d be just doing it due to pressure. I go back to work before I know it and he’ll be in nursery so I’ll continue enjoying him as much as I can for now and leave him when I feel ready! Thanks again for letting me know it’s OK ❤️ x
I haven’t left my baby except to go to the gym for half an hour when he’s contact napping on my fiancé as i know he won’t even notice i am gone! If he’s awake i don’t even tend to leave to go shower etc as i just miss him🤣 We had swim lessons where my fiancé took him in and it made me so so anxious. He’s an amazing dad and they have such a good bond so it’s not that i worry about them together, i just hate the thought of him wondering where i am. I also don’t want a break, i don’t even feel like time without him would be a break as i just miss him. I’ve had some comments/felt pressure to leave him too which makes me feel like i’m the odd one out for not wanting to be without him especially at baby groups when the other mums talk about the things they are starting to do for themselves as i just don’t see how i will be ready for that anytime soon! Being a single mum must add a whole different layer to it, but you’re not alone in feeling the dread at the idea of leaving them x