Twins not sleeping good at all??! Please help

I have 17 month old twins and they keep waking up at night and will stay up for 2-3 hours at a time. They're sleep in the same room but in different cribs and I usually bring the awake one in my room but it's hard when they're both up. they were pretty decent sleepers but the last few nights it's the same they wake up and will stay up for hours occasionally fussing not crying just wanting to play or walk. They're not sick or teething at the moment. Help me please... what are you moms doing or not doing? Any advice for me? I've tried doing later put downs but it's not helping.
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I went through a lot of middle of the night wake ups. I believe it was 1-2 hours. I would lay on the floor next to them while they were still in their crib. The phase passed but they still relied on me for help. Then it was one kid, the next. I was up for hours at that point, not them. I eventually had to let them in their cribs to figure it out. They did and they sleep better for it. Have you tried not intervening? I only did this when I was utterly exhausted, but realized it may have worked sooner. Some nights my husband would take one in the bed and I’d take one on the couch. You are not alone and I’m certain they will get back to better sleep. Wishing you well Mama! ❤️

@Sarah thank you so much for this advice I will definitely try this❤️❤️❤️

Sounds like the 18m regression! Just ride the waves until it's over and keep your routines, they'll fall back in line when it ends 🫶🏻

Hey mamma hang in there you’re doing great. 😊 I’d say if they’re not crying let them be they’ll fall asleep eventually. But it’s understandable to want to do something 2 hrs is along time. What is your bedtime routine for them? Maybe their diapers are they use the night time diapers? Maybe try some sleep sounds and nightlight. Maybe don’t grab them just try to lay them back down soothe them a bit and walk away. I knowing it’s tough I’m sorry. 😞

You’re not alone! My twins have slept through twice in 18 months… we’re exhausted. Our boy twin is a nightmare, we’ve tried everything! Sleep training, bananas before bed, sleep remedies switching milk and now magnesium lotion… I’m hoping this one helps. Me and hubby are up 2-3 times a night with him. Hubby got an hours sleep last night

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