My mum's initials growing up were BJS
My partners name is Brad James and he’s never really had an issue x
My brother’s middle names are Bradley James and it was never picked up on until his bank card showed *first name* B J *surname*. Now we all just laugh about it as a family but he doesn’t get stick for it. But I think that is because they initialised his middle names…probably unlikely his whole name will be initialised at once.
@Chloe its the exact same for my partner! He lost his bank card and the police thought he was prank calling them when he asked if they’d been handed in a card with B J Rogers on it! 🤣
@Steph ahhh okay haha so they may initialise the first and middle name too 😅
No, my husbands is Brody Jeremy and not once in his life has he ever had a problem with it. Honestly most people don’t even know what his middle name is so it’s never been cause for concern