My son fell asleep exclusively through contact naps until he was 14 months old, then he started putting himself down for his own naps when he knew he was tired enough. We even bedshared from night one, By 18 months he started asking to start bedtime in his own bed, and he wouldn’t join me until 4-6am. Your building healthy neuropathways that help teach that sleep is safe, natural progression towards independent sleep does exist!
@Kira thank you! My baby use to be able to fall asleep by himself in his crib but for the last couple days he’s been really wanting the contact sleep not sure if it’s teething or the 4 month sleep regression
My baby has never napped unless in a carrier or in my arms and he turned 5 months old yesterday. He sleeps independently at night in his own bed and we are going to try doing 1 nap a day in his crib soon but contact naps aren't bad. Try independent sleep at night first, then when that is established you can work on day time sleep if you want to change it