@Rachel I'm so sorry to hear that! Yes, I believe it's on Piccadilly. Let me get the address when hubby gets home. Otherwise, I'm near hampden and tower if you want to meet somewhere.
I think I will pass right by it on my way to my parents. I’m out by DIA, but they are off Arapahoe and Parker. Would be happy to bring the diapers wherever needed
@Rachel Are you doing that today or this evening/over the weekend? If it's soon, I can just give you my address.
It won’t be until mid-next week. We are still moving through everything that hospice needs to collect and what we are keeping.
@Rachel Ok. Let me know if you'd like to meet or if you want the address of the donation place. Thanks!
Kathrine, my mom just passed Sunday and we have several unopened packages of adult diapers as well as a few open ones with several remaining. Can you let me know where I can take them? Hospice will not take them back.