Sleep regression or am I doing something wrong ?

My little one is just shy of being 1 and all of a sudden has decided she no longer wants to be put in the cot and literally gets hysterical the minute you start lowering her in. We don’t get it . She’s been absolutely fine sleep wise for the past year and we’ve been lucky but all of a sudden it’s like she thinks we are abandoning her . We go in and soothe but she won’t sleep without a bottle then being in our arms asleep. Have we created a rod for our own backs or is it a regression ? Where am I going wrong ? Please help 😞
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Sounds like separation anxiety. The thing about sleep regressions is they pass on their own, you usually don't need intervention. If it persists more than a couple of weeks then it may be time to switch up the routine.

My little one started this the night before his first birthday. We swapped to a toddler bed at around 14m cause he was hysterical and he has been so much better since x

My LO just started this, too! She's never had a sleep reg before, typically sleeping 8-10 hours a night and self soothing when needed. She's about 11mo now, and about 2 weeks ago, she started getting hysterical. My mom thinks she's having night terrors like I had as a toddler, but we think it could be separation anxiety? But just putting her near her crib most nights has her hysterical even if we stay in the room with her.

My LO just turned 1 this month. And this is happening to us. We also just started daycare so after readying this I’m wondering if it’s separation anxiety now.

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