Baby in own room

Little one is six months on Monday so thinking we will move him into his own room tonight or over the weekend. Anyone got any tips? I can’t remember much from my daughter but I remember we had to let her cry it out to get her to sleep better. Anyone else do this or will do this?
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Following as well as baby’s turning 6 months at the end of the month but have no idea how to go about moving her into her room 😩

@Dana we are just going to go for it and not revert back. Well, that’s the aim!

I think just lots of exposure in the new cot, play time/nap time etc. x

I think using it for naps now would be a good idea. Perhaps sleep with his crib sheet for a night so it smells of you.

Personally I wouldn't do any form of cry it out.

With my daughter I started to do day time naps in her room about 2 weeks or so before we moved her to get her used to it in there. Cry it out methods have been proven to increase the risk of mental health disorders in later life due to the increased cortisol levels in the brain. All it teaches them is that no one comes if you cry. It’s not self soothing it’s acceptance

Agree with above on avoiding cry it out and ferber, just because they move into their own room, doesn't mean stop comforting then when they wake?🤷‍♀️especially as new sleep space will feel daunting and perhaps a little frightening to them for a while. Once they feel secure and comfortable; they hopefully would start sleeping longer stints again

Also just because they’re 6 months doesn’t mean they have to go in their own room. Some babies (and parents) aren’t ready. We’re delaying doing it until at least 7 months as we’re due to go away between 6 and 7 months and moving them out to have them back in with us and then out again will just be too confusing

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