Getting rid of dummy 😬

How has everyone done it recently? Our LO normally only has it at sleep time but recently with illness and teething we have let him have it in the day. I’m noticing how much he wants it now so I’m thinking it’s just time to get rid all together as he occasionally wakes in the night if he loses it also. Planning on going strict with no dummy during the day for a couple of weeks and then going cold turkey at night. Just trying to prepare myself for a rough week or so when we do it 😩😂 how did it go for others at this sort of age? Wish we had done it earlier really x
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Omg same. This sounds so similar to my lo. We've been so strict but recently she's asking for it more and more in the day now 🤷‍♀️

We went cold turkey 2 months ago and the first 2 weeks were hell if I’m being honest. But so glad we did it now.

We went cold turkey just before Christmas & so glad I did!! After 48hrs it was like she never had one in the first place. You’ve just gotta be strong and stick to it x

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