@Natalie same here 😭
I haven’t been through it but my little boy is 1 and a half - my health visitor told me that siblings can go through a behaviours regression which this sounds like? Xx
Had a lovely morning with my 4 and 2 year old.... my youngest is 7 weeks old. My 2 year old gave me a brilliant melt down and my 4 year old declared that I was not a good mummy. Given how incredibly patient I was being, it did make me smile!
@Jo oh gosh you have a 2yo to add in to the mix too! It's so tough isn't it...
Our 7 week old was a surprise - I'm not a young mummy!! But we wouldn't be without her, despite the increase in more interesting behaviours we're getting. That said, we are having lots of lovely moments too and I guess it's about trying to hold onto them when it's all going wrong. But yes, it can be so tough. Is your 4 year old at school yet?
@Jo he's currently at a school nursery 5 days a week until he starts reception so essentially yes! How about yours, what kind of behaviour are you experiencing?
Ah ok. At least you get some time to have a bit of a break. My 4 year old has become more emotional and sensitive. We are getting more tears and stropping off over quite small things (which I'm sure seem big to her). Also, much more of an attitude developing and her arguing back over simple things e.g. being asked to put on her shoes.
@Jo yes that is a God send actually. Sorry to hear your 4yo is being more difficult. Let's hope it's a phase for us all!
Do message me if you want to go through it together!
Going through the same thing (also with a 4-year-old) and having terrible mum guilt about this