I found a RING🫣
Guys 🫠 I didn’t think this would happen to me 🤣
Go freaking figure. I’m so upset.
Not because of the ring. But because I found it and it was NOT intentional but the story is a little funny 🤣🫠
Sometimes my SO has to go away for work and when he’s gone is usually when I do a huge purge of cleaning. Because for some reason it’s just easier to clean when he isn’t around, and yet I get more done even with our kids around but not him lol 🤣
Anyways, I wanted to clean up our bedroom because it’s chaotic and messy. And so the room is almost clean. Just waiting for bedding to get done to make the bed. Anywho, his dog he had when we first got together, unfortunately passed away a couple years ago and they cremated him so we have his ashes. Well they sit in a box in a bag on the floor by the bedroom door and I was like maybe we should put this away in his closet because I kinda don’t like seeing it makes me sad 🤣
So I grab it and go to his closet to put it on the shelf and he has three. However the first two when you directly walk in are full of crap (his closet is a mess btw and stuff all over the floor) and then I go to the third shelf which is behind the door and there’s room on the shelf I got to set it down and uh it’s kinda hard not to notice a pink gift bag on the shelf 🫣 and I was like wtf? At first I thought it was maybe something he got from coworkers for our baby we just had but then I saw the ribbon on it for a jewelry place…. And then theres a folder about the ring next to the bag and he just bought it recently and I’m absolutely shocked and I’m just like NO WAY😭😭
Like all because I wanted to move the dog I ruined it for me. Well in the sense that now I know it exists but I’m sure when he decides to I’ll still be surprised 🤣
And I’m truly shocked only because I really didn’t think this would happen from his last experience and just some talks we’ve had. But GUYS I FOUND A RING 😭and now I don’t know what to do because I obviously have to pretend I didn’t find this 😭😭😭
Just act as if you didn't see anything, even though it's challenging.✌️