Baby hysterically screams at sleep time

So my very nearly 6 month old has slept through the night for the past 2-3 weeks and we have nailed down his daytime routine so we’ve had a very good past couple of weeks. But last night he screamed when I put him to bed, he woke up at 2am hysterically crying and had to be rocked back to bed and at 5:30am he woke up screaming again and I put him in bed with me to sleep. He’s also cried really hard for his morning nap today. Is this an age thing or something else? I wasn’t sure if it was an in pain cry as it was so loud and distressed but I couldn’t work out what was wrong
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My son has on and off done this since a few months too!! I just comfort as best I can but maybe teething too?!

@Skye as soon as I posted this I did wonder about teething. My firstborn was never affected really so this is new to me! It’s awful

Mine has also been doing this on and off for two months now, some nights he screams on the hour. Might be teething

@Sophie it’s horrible I agree when they wake up absolutely sobbing!! My son hasn’t done it for a while now but a couple of weeks ago he did it all day, just for the one day! Hopefully it stops soon :(

It happened to me last night and I gave my daughter some calpol, she slept instantly. Before that she just kept waking up all the time and ended up screaming at 4 and nothing would soothe her. I had to reduce her nap time recently as well as she wasnt sleeping well at night. She sleeps 7pm till 7am with two 30mins naps and one 2h nap at noon. If she wakes up earlier than 7am I just let her have a longer first nap.

Sometimes babies also cry between sleep cycles mine does this and then sometimes it wakes him up but sometimes he goes back to sleep... It's so strange xx

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