Why do mothers cry because their babies sleep through the night?!

Really pees me off seeing posts saying ‘oh my baby sleeps in their crib/basket from 9pm to 8am blah blah and I don’t know if this is normal or they want to contact nap during the day blah blah even though they sleep in cribs all night’. These women don’t realise how lucky they are having a baby who sleeps that well and without having to be held. My LO has terrible reflux and cannot be put down anywhere to sleep. It’s been months of holding her upright day and night and poor sleep, sometimes awake 7-8 hours straight because of the discomfort. Honestly stop moaning if your baby sleeps through the night because you’re getting good nights sleep and enough to get through the day. I’ve even seen posts saying they get a good 10-11 hour sleep overnight while their LO sleeps. Wish I had this and I sure as hell wouldn’t moan!
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🤣 someone had to say it!! HAHAHA

I've not seen people moaning, but if they do, then they're absolutely ridiculous 🙄 I can only imagine how exhausting it is for you I really hope that it gets better for you and you can get some.good sleep because we literally can't function without it+

My bestie is a first time mom and she texted me worried because her baby sleeps through the night. She fully expected him not to sleep well and wake up many times like everyone else talks about. She was worried there might be something wrong. I told her to enjoy it lol. I don’t think moms mean to be rude, they’re just worried their baby isn’t normal. I hope you get some good sleep soon!

I cry because of no sleep!! My first had terrible reflux which always scared me. My second just doesn’t want to sleep and I’m currently pregnant so I’m soooo exhausted. I’d love just one peaceful uninterrupted nights sleep!

I can fully admit I was like this when my first child slept through the first couple of times lol. But with my 2nd, I was like hell ya sleep sleep sleep 😂

Someone had to say it!!!! Literally I am your situation with baby 1 year old in discomfort all night wanting to be held on my arms because of reflux, I am pregnant, can barely function during the day because of sleeplessness and when I hear these mothers saying that I am like are they joking? I surely wouldn’t complain or moan or anything at all if that would be my case

Hope things get better for you. I know mums are not moaning their babies sleeps . Think they're mainly admired and unsure if all is well. It's quite valid but a bit painful for the ones who, like us don't have the same luxury or gift ... hang in there mama! 💗

Yes!!! My friend told me her son doesnt need naps anymore and sleeps from 8pm till 9am without waking up and she misses the cuddles at night and worries if she does something wrong 🙄 girl please, come pick up my daughter and cuddle her all night!

@Marissa 🤣🤣

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