Breastfeeding Ending 😔

I sadly feel my breastfeeding journey is coming to an end. Its not been easy, I was putting him on the breast once or twice a day (after 5 or 10 minutes would fuss then cry so gave him a bottle) and pumped 3 times a day. I was going to continue this as long as possible but I'm struggling to produce 10mls a pump now so barely anything since my last period 2 weeks ago. I used to get around 80ml a day, then it dropped to 50mls which I still felt beneficial but now it's only around 20/30 and that's including a power pump several times a week. Frustratingly my LO has suddenly started being more interested in my boobs but just feel its too late and too much work to increase this now at 5 months old. If I dropped the pumps completely but continued to put him on the breast a few times a day will I still produce any milk for him or will it stop completely? My husband keeps praising me for getting this far and just thinks I should stop because of the stress its caused but I still feel like a failure for not being able to breastfeed him completely.
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Your husband is right, it’s amazing to get this far well done! Pumping is a real commitment. It’s probably worth still putting him on the boob if you want to, even if he doesn’t get much milk he’ll still get the comfort and it’s a nice thing for the two of you ☺️

I am in a similar position and feel the same. Baby started getting really frustrated in January, so I went to bottles full time with pumped milk. But it’s a lot of work essentially doing both, and my supply is also decreasing so I’m pumping less each week to hopefully dry up soon. I wanted to go until he was at least 6 months, but it’s not happening. He is also so much happier and more content now, so I know it’s the best thing for him as I just couldn’t keep up with his demands.

@Gemma I worried he'd start getting upset even more if he's suckling but not getting anything but I'll keep trying 🙂 he does sometimes turn his head and smile at me which is lovely when he's not hungry and just wanting milk!

@Nicole yeah I was hoping to get to 6 months too until we started weaning. I think it's harder as he's showing more interest now but not enough to sustain him at all. He is a happy baby on formula too so know he won't mind it's just us mumma's who overthink it!

Breastfeeding works on supply and demand so if he is feeding from the breast you will keep producing. Obviously the less you remove, the less you produce and baby may get frustrated of there isn’t enough volume. FYI I switched from nursing to pumping and my journey is coming to an end this weekend when he’ll be 5 months. I wanted to get to 6 months and I’m so close but mentally I’m just done. I’m really at peace with it now but also sad. Be proud of yourself and do what feels right for you.

Your baby is so much more efficient than any pump at getting milk from you. He will be getting milk even when the pump can't. If you're able to put him on the breast a few times a day that's brilliant! For what it's worth, towards the end of breastfeeding with my daughter when she was naturally weaning we would feed just once a day as part of the evening routine, even skipping days and I was still shocked to see a bit of milk dribble when I was sure my boobs were empty and we were just dry nursing. Also you're not a failure whatsoever. I find pumping so stressful and I just don't get on with it at all! Go easy on yourself and remove the pressure you're putting yourself under, and maybe just nurse with the expectation that it's for comfort whenever he's showing interest, and see what happens. Remember that if ANY breastfeeding is happening at all, you're breastfeeding. So even if your baby literally gets a teaspoon of milk, they're still getting all of the benefits of breastfeeding. You're doing great ❤️

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