I breastfeed but have given the odd expressed bottle and formula bottle and we’ve seen absolutely no difference in our experience
With my first we tried this, albeit a little bit older but it made no difference
We give a bottle of expressed milk in the evening, sometimes formula if she wants more.. and it seems to help.
No. My 1st bottle fed was up numerous times throughout the night until 2.5 Second bottle fed slept through from 10 weeks 3rd breastfed was up every 1.5 hours!! 4th, breast fed and we get 3-10 hour stretches. All depends on the baby
Research has shown it makes absolutely no difference, night time breast milk is specially made to induce sleep so logically would be better but it depends if your baby eats enough before falling to sleep. My first used to fall asleep feeding quite fast so I had to wake him to make him feed more, the second feeds loads and sleeps like a log 😂
I tried a couple times but found no difference so am sticking to exclusively pumping
I tried this but she just wanted the boob straight after anyway 🙄 In terms of sleeping through, I found no difference between the days she had a bottle and the days she didn't. My nephew was the opposite, he slept longer stretches with a bottle of formula before bed x
Our personal experience has found this really helps. I breastfeed throughout the day but give a bottle of formula before bed (well, my partner does) and it really seems to settle him and help him sleep for a long stretch.