Intrusive thoughts Do you have them regularly or just randomly?

I have them regularly, they don’t effect me that much, they just let me be more focused and alert 🚨😂 Example: I leave my baby in the safe playpen, so I can do something around the house, then this intrusive thought come in and I’m scare she will chock on something inside ( even if there is nothing to be choked off) so I’m running to check if she is ok. This is what happened today, but my thoughts are like that most of the time. Any of you the same?
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I think they're more regular when you have a baby but I think (at least with mine), they typically level back out with time

I once took my son to Nursery. I knew he was at Nursery. When I got home, I got back into bed. An intrusive thought creeped into my head that I left him in the car somehow and that something bad would happen if I didn’t get him out. Entirely irrational, but I got back out of bed and went to my car to check that I had in fact taken him to Nursery 🙈

All the time. I think its pretty normal especially when you become a parent.

My little boy is nearly 3 & I still have them sometimes 😬 one of them did actually come true the other day, though. He was kneeling on the toilet in the bathroom, playing sink & float with his toys in the sink & as he went to lean forward towards the sink, he missed & fell forward off of the toilet. It wasn't a really long way down or anything, but we have a wetroom, so our bathroom floor is hard. Luckily, he put his hands out to catch himself, though, so he didn't hurt himself 😅

When mine was little I always had the you're going to smash her head into the door or the wall by tripping over and then she will be dead. Didn't help one day I did loose my footing and very lightly tapped her head as I protected her with my arm. That one played a big role after that because my head was like see it's possible!!! Falling down the stairs and breaking her back and my neck was another. Mine always involve death. I've always had them be like this. They don't phase me. I just tell my brain to stop being so extreme

I have an intrusive thought of when someone is talking I wonder In my head what it would be like to punch them in the face 😂😂 obviously I have never and wouldn't ever follow through with it lol but when someone is talking shite I have a TV going off in my head of me punching them in the face 🤷🏻‍♀️

@Lauren ahahahah this is new 🤣 love it

😆😆 I must be the only one hahaha

I don’t really get them so I clicked never. But I also don’t have normal anxiety or social anxiety I deal w things as they happen and don’t really think or stress about if it hasn’t happened yet. Just carefree and go with the flow type person, spontaneous.

Sometimes I'm driving and I'm like damn we really have free will to just drive off a cliff or into another car 🤣

@Lauren nope you're not alone 🙃

@Kellie I’m so jealous of you, I’m completely the opposite, I stress even if would never happen

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