My baby doesn't sleep in her bassinet either, every time i put her down, she wakes up. Its been very rough. I don't get any sleep 😭😭
I would watch transfer videos. How to trick your baby as you transfer them into the crib. But yes sound machines, swaddles (we have ones without arms being contained), and then once they are deep asleep you place them in the crib, you keep your arms there and pretend like they are still in your arms. I keep my arms there, one on shoulder and one on butt/legs until she is back in a deep sleep.
I had the same problem. My girl won't stay asleep once she realizes I'm gone and she's in there alone. White noise works for a little bit. A good swaddle sack (I've tried them all just about!) we liked cuddle cubs off of Amazon. We ended up getting a bassinet that swivels onto the side of the bed so she still smells us and the side lowers down so I can reach her. Kinda cosleeping kinda not? Lol
My baby has been sleeping in his crib since we came home, I do white noise, sleep sack, and he goes to bed every night same time. He does move and it will wake me and him but as long as he’s not crying I leave him and he typically goes back to sleep! You may need to swaddle him