Change in behaviour
My 8.5 month old has completely changed, constantly moaning and fussing as soon as I leave her, I could be in the kitchen while she’s in the sitting room and she’ll start crying and come to find me (she’s currently army crawling everywhere) she did go through a stage of realising i could leave her around 6/7 months and would cry whenever I left but she started again this time with so much more anger 😩 she gets bored sooo easily of anything i do to try keep her entertained, i have about 15 mins before she starts kicking off especially if i leave her it could be less, her sleep during the day now is all over the place and I don’t know how to try and get it back into a routine, night sleep is okay but she has days where she will not stay asleep until I come to bed with her as we are cosleeping. She was such a calm baby, rarely cried unless she actually needed something but now it she seems like she’s constantly screaming at me 🥴 I sometimes get worried I’m missing something but aside from teething she’s fine and she settles as soon as I stay with her…
Is anyone else going through something similar?
Yes! Apparently 9 months is the peak of separation anxiety 🙃 x