Ending pumping

My little will be coming up to 1 next month. I will express as long as he needs it and is still on breast milk but I want to start winding down. I have a good freezer stash. I currently pump 5x a day. 8 12 4 8 and 11pm The 11pm one is surplus just so I dont feel too full overnight and allows me to build a stash. The other pumps I immediately feed to baby after pumping. When I start winding down and stopping. How do I go about this. We are going to transition to normal mill after 1 and I dont want to just and up with butt loads of milk everywhere. I also feel like its time to claim my body back
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Following as my LO is 1 in June and I want to pump until December and wean off! There’s so much info on stopping breastfeeding but it’s all so conflicting 😮‍💨

I'm going to just try and go with what my daughter wants. I will probably swap one of her breast milk bottles with cows milk instead or offer a source of milk like yogurt or cheese

When I worked towards finishing I started replacing one feed with freezer stash and dropping a pump and re-arranging the times. Then after a couple of weeks I did another. I dropped my morning and evening pump last. Going from 4 to 3 gave me a bit of a supply drop and from 2 to 1 did as well. The rest just evened out during the other pumps so the daily supply stayed the same. At the same time I started offering my boy alternatives to the breastmilk like cows milk and water. He didn’t mind at all, but I’ve heard stories of it being harder for others. He kept his bedtime milk until all freezer bags were gone. What I’d say is do what feels comfortable. Take it easy and let your body and little one set the pace.

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