@Skye that'sinteresting, thank you! The nursery said they also had sippy cups, but would prefer giving a bottle until 18 months. Maybe because it's less messy? I've also heard bottles at this age aren't good for the teeth. Might try the sippy cup instead. Thank you!
I also wouldn't introduce a bottle. When she goes at 11 months it won't be long before she technically doesn't need milk so much anymore anyway. I'd go with a cup and try not to worry about it! I'm nearly two years into breastfeeding now and my youngest goes to nursery four days a week. He's been there since he was about 12 months. I don't pump at all - I exclusively pumped with my eldest so can't stand it 😆
Oh wow no way! I’ve never heard of a nursery preferring to do that over a sippy cup! Good luck either way I’m sure baba will figure it out!
We introduced bottle from EBF at 9 months (just got my partner to give it while I was out for the first time, and she took it no issues despite rejecting bottle completely when younger). We then switched to a straw cup a little after 1 year old. I typically got c.120-150ml in total (both sides) per pump. (I was worried it wasn’t enough but came to the conclusion it was, breast milk is less volume than formula equivalent). I initially pumped 3x while at work, then gradually reduced to 2x and then 1x, then finally stopped pumping and only did morning and night feeds (still breast) but cows milk during the day. Stopped altogether at about 22 months. My supply was fine as long as I pumped at regular intervals and as they increase solids they need less milk.
@Jennifer thank you so much for your detailed response! That's all really helpful! Yeah, I might just need to leave the house and leave my partner to try and feed her
I wouldn’t say introducing a bottle at 8 months is sound advice tbh. Most would advise putting breastmilk in a sippy cup or open cup and feeding that way. I’ve been advised not to bother getting my 6 month old to take a bottle and just go straight to sippy cup which is working sort of well so far lol. Otherwise I’ll just feed him in the morning and night instead.