
All I wanted to do was get dressed and you say to me that you don’t have time and to get dressed when LO sleeps; I respond by saying it takes me 2 mins to get ready!!! LO has been awake since 8am and normally sleeps between 10:30-11:30. LO’s 10 months old and wake windows are normal 2-3hours not 4? Is this norm?
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Sorry not sure what you're asking? If you're asking what wake windows are normal for a 10mo I'd say 3-4 hours probably.

@Sophie I’m asking whether other people’s partner’s let you do what you need to do and what the wake windows normally are.

Aaah okay. Well we do a bit of a mixture. Whilst I'm off work I tend to sort the boys (2yo and 9mo) out myself but I get up showered and dressed before getting them up most of the time. At the weekend when we're both off we take turns, one of us gets ready whilst the other gets them dressed then swap over and do breakfast. So yes my partner lets me get dressed etc but during the week I do it before they wake up.

I just get ready while my boy plays in the living room or he follows me into the bathroom and plays with random stuff. I’m a single mum so I don’t have the other parent to help anyway. His wake windows are 3 hours 4 hours 3 hours normally x

@Elena @Sophie my LO’s still awake 😳 not helped by teething too 😫

Yeah, it's not fair that they don't help you get ready in the mornings. Partners should be facilitating us being able to take care of ourselves. I have a 3 year old too and still have to ask my husband to get him dressed so I can get myself dressed. Otherwise I'm organising 3 people in the morning and him just one and that's not fair. Wake windows for us are anything from 2-4 hours. I follow her cues.

Yeah you definitely should be helping each other out with things like this, it wouldn't have killed him to be with your LO for 5 minutes while you got yourself ready. You're a partnership, maybe he needs to remember that! My girl's wake windows generally go 2/3/4 ish through the day, give or take 😅

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