I had an almost identical experience.. c section meant my milk didn’t come in until day 4/5 and baby had drank up all the colostrum so had to start on formula as he was hungry. Also had an infection by day 8/9 and was quite poorly so wasn’t able to ever really get going on breast feeding and although I wanted to combi feed it just wasn’t meant to be. I decided pretty quickly that he was happy on formula gaining weight and also needed to prioritise recovery from the infection so we went down the formula route. I’m sure you have done an amazing job with the combi feeding as it’s definitely not easy to do both and from experience I know how you must be feeling being on antibiotics and the recovery it’s a lot! As long as baby is happy, fed and full that’s all that matters and that we also do what is right for us as mums as well.
I really wanted to breastfeed but had multiple issues following an emergency c section and feeding was having a huge impact on my mental health. I felt so guilty switching to formula at 2 weeks and felt like I'd really failed as a mum as first I couldn't give birth to him naturally and then I couldn't feed him. Now I am so pleased I made the decision and switched. Both of us are so much happier and I know I've done my best for him. Definitely now on team fed is best.
Thank you all for sharing, it’s really reassuring that I’m not the only one who struggled with this x
Just to say I had a similar experience, had a haemorrhage when I delivered my daughter and lost so much blood my milk was late coming in and then a very low supply. I was also on antibiotics for the first 6 weeks. I battled for 7 weeks doing a mix of BF and formula, trying to claw my way to EBF but the most I managed was about 60/40 breast vs bottle.In the end it was too much. During week 8 I think the stress culminated in my body making the decision for me and my milk dried up. I was devastated. At the time it felt huge. We’re now at 11 weeks and I already know it was the right thing - I feel better, baby is absolutely fine and the guilt has passed. It’s not like you are choosing to not BF because you can’t be bothered (and not doing it for MH reasons is valid too) - you literally cannot. Keep trying for as long as you want but not at the cost of your own sanity - the best thing you can do for your babe is look after yourself so you can care for them. Fed is always best x