Swaddling and sound machine helped us x
@Mariah thank you so much. I forgot that in newborn stage chest sleeping was the preferred method. Thank you for the instagram recommendation too
@Mariah I second this x
Your welcome. I hope you are able to get some sleep.
I second the chest sleeping i would prop myself up just a tad and have the blankets at my waist tucked under me and I slept like that with my baby till he was about 4wks old then was able to transition to come sleeping with him next to me he's now 7 wks and sleeps pretty good about 4-6 hour stretches :)
@Bethel this works the first half of the night and then the swaddle just pisses him off🤣
This is totally normal mama!
I literally just held my baby and went to sleep holding my baby. I never rolled because I was holding her in my sleep, and I wouldn’t sleep enough to roll over or for long time because she be up every 2 hours -3 hours for feeding so lol so i haven’t had a deep sleep where I’m able to move around in 3 months now lol (shes 3 months) and I still fall asleep with her!
Yes there is, look up safe chest sleeping.
First of all, this is very normal. Especially as newborns, they feel safe when they are being held close to your body, reminds them of the womb. To answer, the safe way to sleep while “holding” baby is chest sleeping. Lay on your back, with baby on your chest (laying on their belly, head turned to the side.) be as much in the centre of the bed as possible but I’ve never rolled while sleeping like this and I’ve done it with all 3 of my babies. For more info, follow happy cosleeper on fb or Instagram.