We are led by her and are currently on 210ml. Occasionally asks for boob after if she's super hungry but that seems to keep her happy
About 180ml / 6oz. I think she could take more but she also has a BF about an hour - 1.5 hr before and this is meant to be a top up! She then spits a lot out if she has too much. We started off with 120ml and slowly upped it as it seemed like she wanted more.
Depends how recently ago he last ate but he usually has about 120ml before bed. He’s never been one to have big amounts in one go
1-1.5 oz per hour between feeds. Pace fed. So if she last breast fed 2 hours before the bottle , it would be 2-3oz , if it was 4 hours before the bottle it would be 4-6 oz etc
Following as I’m also curious about this