If they are ringing because she’s ill then fine. If they’re ringing because she won’t settle then I’d see that very much as a ‘them’ problem and not a ‘me’ problem. If they rang me just because she’s unhappy I would either just lie and say I can’t come and get her for an hour or two, or maybe just say to leave her a bit longer and if she is really distraught / making herself sick or whatever then get them to ring you back.
Thank you. I asked them why they took her temperature and they said we just do it if they feel hot or are unsettled. When I’ve gone to pick her up both times she was playing happily and when I got her home she was fine again with no temperature. I am maybe being paranoid thinking they are sending her home because she can be difficult and if that is the case then I don’t think I should be picking her up all the time. She can be very fussy and demanding at home so I would not be surprised. However every week they tell me she has had a great day so I have no idea. I’m going to try and dig a little deeper next time I speak to them.
I'm curious as to why they're checking her temperature every week if you get there and she's fine. Also. Temp of 37.5 is fine. That's not a fever so I'd be raising that. My step son is in 2 days a week. Has caught NUMEROUS bugs, like, loads since he started a year ago. Only once they've ever called to say he's poorly and needs collecting. Not once have they checked his temperature, just said he's coughing loads, really tired and unsettled and in fairness, he was. Also. It's a nursery, you are paying them to be childcare, it's not a play date around a friend's. If they're calling to say she's unsettled I'd be asking for details. Times. How long has she been upset for, is she really actually distressed. I get that they have other children to care for but that is literally their job. I've worked it and with unsettled children it is difficult but you don't call to get them picked up unless it's extreme, you just manage and try all you can to calm them. I'd expect them to call for ideas on how to settle them.
Yeah this is weird, definitely would raise the issue with the manager Whenever my little girl has a temp they try calpol and see how she goes they don't ask me to come get her When she first started though she was ill every other week I was worried about going back to work as she was always ill but she's gotten better
They get sick a lot in the first few months. Like, a lot. It's pretty much the whole first year. If their policy is that strict around temperature then it's unfortunate but the way it is. At ours they'd only consider it a temperature at 38 and they don't give Calpol. Was she presenting with any other symptoms at all? Why did they take her temperature? In the first few months of nursery we got norovirus, hand foot and mouth, various diarrhoea things and viruses, flu, colds, Covid and all sorts. We vaccinate our kids against chicken pox so have been ok there but otherwise it'd definitely have got us as there have been several outbreaks. The start of nursery is hard and they have a lot of time off. It's really tough on working parents!