Cold medicine

Do the same rules as pregnancy apply when breastfeeding when it comes to cold medicine? I would love to be able to breathe and not have a sore throat right now 😭
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At 6 month pp you're supply won't be affected by cold and flu meds. I spoke to a GP about it when I was really ill at just over 6 month pp

@Ebony I’m only 3 months 🫠

@sophie I'd recommend talking to a pharmacist or GP or 111 about what you can take as they might need to prescribe you something

You could try honey and lemon hot drinks, increasing you vit C intake and a steem bath to help clear some mucus

@Ebony I’ve been having a spoon of honey here and there and strawberries if that counts. I’ll try the hot bath tonight if I get chance once both the kids have gone bed 🫠 if they go bed by themselves anyway

@sophie try a spoon on honey it hot water or with peppermint tea and opt for kiwi or oranges as they're higher in vit c. The steam bath is more about having your head over a hot pan/bowl/pot of water with maybe some lemon balm essential oils in it. Pop a towel over your head, it helps concentrate the heat to your sinuses softening the mucus making it easier to get rid of. I sware by high levels of vit C when I'm ill. It cures my in a matter of days rather than weeks

Do not take anything that has a decongestant. It helps dry your supply up.

@Helen I’ve been waking up with massive leaks on the bed the last two nights so that may be helpful 😅 But I’m feeling a lot better after ibuprofen and paracetamol and just flopping out on my bed.

@sophie that should resolve soon. Your milk regulates around 3 months so getting engorged and waking up with a wet top should stop/ happen less

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