Baby fell

Ughh I feel horrible , my baby now 14 months old keeps falling off couch and now tonight she fell of bed while we were sleeping . 😭🤬 I feel like the worst mother ever . How do I know she’s ok ?
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rule of thumb for infant falls is that if the fall is more than twice their height (surface to floor height) than you need to take them in to be evaluated. skull fractures and other hairline fractures can go undetected sometimes. if not that far of a fall just keep an eye on them and check for any signs of confusion, crying/irritability and any vomiting. most of the time they are ok but if you ever have a single doubt in your mind take them in! we’ve ALL had a baby fall from a bed or surface. i had a meltdown when my daughter fell from my bed at 7 months old. she’s now a happy, healthy 9 year old. point is-don’t feel guilty it’ll be ok. just get her checked out if you’re concerned at all or if your bed is really high. it’ll be ok momma hang in there! 💜

Ok so maybe you should start changing some things. Whatever my child sleeps with me I make sure I put bumpers around the bed. Like pillows or even her stuffed animals so that if she rolls she only rolls into them. If she seems o, she most likely is but it never hurts to go to hospital...well it might hurt your pocket lol

Well we started our day yesterday with a trip to the ER because my 2 year old also fell of the bed while sleeping. And we have 3 nursing pillows next to her on the side where my husband would usually sleep. She still went over them 🙃. And even worse she hit her head probably at the night stand, which we have moved away from the bed for safety reasons, and got a super bad bump on her had. She was evaluated and is absolutely fine. So you can see, you’re not the only one experiencing these things. And unfortunately they will fall again, and again. We can take precautions, but we won’t be able to prevent it. So please don’t be to hard on yourself What you should look out for mostly is vomiting, dizziness, being fatigue, and loss of consciousness. And at the ER they told me the first 4 hours are the most crucial ones, while closer observation should be done for 24 hours

Everyone one had said all the good important things. My son is not quite 4 and now has three scares because kids get hurt. Another important thing to remember is that you need to remain calm and confident. You don't want to instill fear in them because you are worried. Even if you have to take them to the ER

My eight month old fell off the bed this morning, so I understand how you feel. Thankfully, we called the pediatrician and she is OK.

My son wacked his face falling off the couch and was bleeding today 😳 Youre not alone mama. First time he fell he was only 5 months old

I wouldn’t have the baby in bed with me at all, that’s just my personal opinion, and I wouldn’t let her be on the couch unless I was right there. If she is climbing that might be another story.

@Whitney Brooke🩷 my son sleeps in his own bed but i changed him on my bed and as a parent it always happens while you are right there! Especially with these wild little boys 🤣 I also learned never say never 🤷‍♀️

My little one is 11 months, she's doing very much the same. Unfortunately it seems to be fairly common especially when they start to get more mobile. Keep an eye on LO, but I agree with the first comment. If you are worried and/or you feel little one is acting differently than usual...etc then take to A&E. I panicked when LO fell for the first time and took her to be checked over, she was fine. Most of the time, from a short height... they're usually ok xx

My lo goes to nursery and every day this week I’ve had to sign a marks form or and accident form. Tuesday was a marks form because she’s got carpet burn on her head from where she fell off the bed on Monday (she loves running round underneath the quilt as I am changing the bed and she just misjudged the edge of the bed), Wednesday was an accident form from biting her lip falling over in the garden, Thursday was another accident form for reopening her lip walking into something and today it was another accident form from running into a chair hurrying to the table for lunch 😂. She is like a bull in a china shop and doesn’t think before she does stuff at a million miles an hour 🙈. Kids will be kids and they get hurt. I would just maybe think about if you could change anything to stop stuff from happening like stop putting them on the sofa unattended.

My daughter falls off of literally everything. She’s okay that’s just her. But if your bed is pretty high up or they are acting different I’d definitely bring them in

I cosleep, and have been since she was born, but we put our mattress on the ground. It sits about 6 inches off.

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