Baby grow sizes for hospital bag

Our little bab(or maybe not so little😂) has been measuring around the 90th percentile throughout my pregnancy, I’m wondering if anyone has any advice on the sizes I should take for baby? Is newborn likely to be no good? He’s predicted to be 8/9lbs via the growth scans 🥰 I’m such an unnecessary packer as it is, so could do with not having several sizes of each if I can get away with it!
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I’m in a similar position so I’ve decided to pack some newborn and some 0-3 months (although I don’t see him fitting in newborn at 97th percentile tbh 😂)

I’m in a very similar position as baby is measuring 98th percentile 🤣😭 But I’ve taken a couple newborn, couple 0-1 and couple 0-3 (I am an overpacker but thought they’re small enough to take all) x

Do you have an option to take some of each size and leave in the car and get your partner to grab them when baby’s born? That’s what I’m doing as mine could be here any day and he keeps varying in size from 70th percentile to now 37th so I have no idea how big he will be

My first was on 95th percentile, came out at 9lb 5oz, she just fitted in newborn at hospital and straight to 0-3 afterwards. You will find each brand measures slightly differently, Asda was the best 0-3m fit for newborn x

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