My baby girl is here 💕

Little Emmie arrived early (due date 17th) at 5.11am this morning. We’re both doing great. Woke up at midnight to a big contraction and went to the toilet and passed a huge blood clot (not mucus plug). Rang triage and they said to come in so we took our stuff just in case. They were concerned with the blood I was losing but couldn’t see anything sinister causing it so they said they wanted to pop my waters. I started having regular contractions on my own. They got the delivery suite ready for us and think we got in there about 2.30ish so just chatted and walked around whilst they monitored baby. At 4.20 my waters broke then things suddenly ramped up contraction wise and she was born at 5.11am!! I’m still in a bit of shock! But if anyone’s due just know it can happen at any moment ❤️😂 x
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My due date is the 17th too and I’m still waiting (second baby). Really hoping my little girl arrives soon 🥺 Congratulations, she’s gorgeous ❤️x

Awh congratulations!💕 i’m due on the 29th so we’re sitting very patiently 🙈xx

Congratulations ❤️

Congratulations  she’s so cute!! I’m due 17th too! No signs yet so this is reassuring !! 😅 hoping my girlie makes an arrival sooner rather than later, I’m getting impatient now! X

Congratulations 🥰🥰 this sounds so similar to my birth story two days ago x

Not long now girls 🥰 I had no real signs so it was out of the blue! X

@Lauren the fast births are interesting 😂 x


Cute cute

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