You could give Ewan the sheep a go if you don’t want to leave the white noise on all night (but you can leave it on if you want to)
Thanks so much for your replies, he seems to be fully awake most of the time, the odd time I can just go pop his dummy in then he’ll go back to sleep but most times he’s up on all fours crying. I’ll give him a little minute tonight to see if he just goes back down himself, it does seem like forever though 😭 we did try Ewan for a little while but I think the night light was too interesting for him through the night he’d want to explore it 😂 thanks again for the tips! X
@Nikki I think you can turn the light function off? Might be model depend x
@Natasha I never even thought of this 😂 I think I can actually I’ll try 😂 x
@Nikki how many dummies do you put in the cot? My lg has between 6 and 8 and she will wake up, find one and back to sleep. Helps promote self soothing too.
We have a red light projector on all night. When he wakes in the night I can see him looking at the shapes on the wall and he will often fall back asleep. Most nights I am up once with him to feed and change him though.
@Vanessa oooo only 2/3 I’m going to put them all in! Thank you! X
@Nikki how did you get on? X
We have a white noise machine on all night on the lowest volume so it's really quiet just takes the edge off silence. When he's crying is he fully awake? Because my LG will cry and still be asleep so I always wait a couple of mins (seems like forever) but I can see she's just whining until she's comfy and goes back to sleep. I always worried this would be crying it out but it's really not because she's asleep. When I realise she's awake I always go in. Worth a shot? x