@Caroline yeah 30 hours will definitely make some difference, but overall even with those it’s looking so expensive. Compared to most European countries if not all childcare costs cannot be justified
We’re sending our boy for just 1 morning a week just to socialise with other kinds, n we pay £42.50 8am till 1pm it’s crazy how much they charge x
I think it is a high cost but I'm grateful for the 15 hours. My nursery had to add a consumable fee etc as the government funding wasn't near their fee and they have to keep afloat to xx
We are in Scotland and we get no funding until the age of 3! We are in a lucky position that my partner works from home. There is also very little childminders with spaces and not alot of nurseries that take private places!
@Natalie Are nursery fees similar to ones in England? Say, in my area a full day will cost around £78-90. When we were living up North England it was about £70.
@Irina I think nurseries have such high running costs. I would love a third but we wouldn’t be able to afford the nursery again. Pregnant then screwed are a good page to follow on insta if you want to get involved in campaigning for cheaper childcare x
@Caroline thank you, I’ll take a look on insta! x
@Irina all nurseries around are slightly different but would average the same as those fees. Since we are North East, we would also have to travel to get a private nursery which would add to the time you needed to!
I should have added that I’m not blaming the nurseries for raising the fees, as they need to pay wages to their stuff and keep paying bills. But the fees rising so high that it’s very hard to keep up with if your household salary isn’t doubling every year.
The only reason why I can afford a full time nursery for my boy it’s because I work there so on top of the tax free, 15 hours I get 75% off. It’s crazy how expensive they are!
My little boys nursery is going from £65 a day to £77 and £40 a half a day to £50! I understand the rise in fees but think that that is such a huge jump! I’m thankful I’m only part time! X
Yeah I agree with you however we do have to appreciate the 15, increasing to 30 hours funding we get. I didn’t have this with my first born and I’m very grateful of it this time round x