My little ones nursery worker couldn't believe that they were putting her with the older children. She just seems so much smaller and immature compared to them. If she wasn't a 36 weeker, I would have had the option of keeping her back another year. X
It’s so scary, I’m not ready. But she’s so smart for her age, that she’s so ready for it I think. But I’m dreading it as I’m not ready to be apart from her for 5 full days. She currently does at nursery 1 full day(to get her ready for school), and 3 half days and has one day off that we spend together with some mummy time. And she loves it I’m gonna be so sad when we don’t have that time anymore. My heart’s not ready to let my girl go 😢 I just hope she does okay.
Aw I feel so differently. I guess it’s all about the individual child. My little girl thrives off nursery and learning. I felt like she could have gone this year. (Although our emotional regulation is noticeably that of a 3 nearly 4 year old) Try and focus on the fact that the first year is really just an extension of a nursery provision. Lots of games, play etc. Also 5 consistent days a week is so good for a child. They love routine and boundaries. Try not to let your anxiety leak out as they will read into it. Although you have every right to have s heavy heart ❤️ Talk to the school if you have worries
Yes I feel exactly like this too 😭 I have been dreading my twins turning four for this reason