Combi feeding and period

I didn’t start breast feeding until my baby was 2 days old. As I was going to formula feed like I did with my son. But anyway I started breastfeeding. She has 2 formula feeds a day 1 at lunch time and 1 between 6-7. I EBF through the night. Formula fed my son who’s 19 months old. I had a period 6 weeks after having him. My daughter is now 4 months old and I’ve still not had a period? Is that normal? Even with her skipping breast feeds with getting formula? Any advice would be appreciated. I’m knew to the breast feeding life.
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Breastfeeding at night is actually what can postpone your period so it’s absolutely normal that you haven’t gotten them yet Just keep in mind that breastfeeding doesn’t mean you can’t get pregnant. So if you don’t plan on having an other baby soon use contraception

Your body might not give you periods until you completely wean from BF

Everyone is so different. I exclusively pumped for 6 mos & never got my period before getting pregnant with my second. I Exclusively BFd w my second & got my period finally at 13mos PP. My LO didn’t like the change in taste & immediately I got pregnant that cycle 😅

Nourishing yourself/self care while BFing is so important! It takes so much from your body. Hydrated, hydrated, hydrated! You got this

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