Yeah. They don’t recommend you breastfeed when doing the transfer because of the hormone meds. I had to wean my lo at 19 months to go for another round
I have pretty much the same age gap as you and same luck too! My first round of IVF was successful, I got my son, first transfer from a FET and then went for another FET which gave me my daughter when he was 5 months old which was also successful, so there is a 14 months age gap. I exclusively breastfed both my babies, no one was concerned about me breastfeeding but I think because I got my regular cycle back 3 months pp with my son and then only 5 weeks pp with my daughter even though I was EBF. I think most specialists will want you to have a regular cycle for atleast a month or 2 before going for a transfer. My FETs were both natural cycles too so no meds involved.
I kept on breastfeeding when I had my second successful transfer. My clinic wasn’t supportive but I really wanted to try. I didn’t take any meds. I’m 35 weeks pregnant and still breastfeeding😄
@Karina congratulations yes my babies have a 15 month age gap and it’s the best. Not easy as you know some days but they love each other so much. Thankyou for your response. I’m thinking of stopping breast feeding at 6 months. Then going for a 3rd transfer in January then my body has had a break 🤣 sort of xx
@Leonie congratulations xx
You need some semblance of a menstrual cycle back. Each clinic has their own rules about bf and meds for transfers so best to ask them