I did the midwife led unit for my first, guessing this is the same as a birthing centre and will definitely go for it again if possible. We were also connected to the consultant led unit so easy transfer if necessary
It's a tough one! With my first I was dead sure I wanted unmedicated labour and all of that but then when the time came, after nearly 3 days of early labour I was basically begging for an epidural so I was glad I opted for the delivery suite in the end. On the flipside, they definitely encouraged me to go down the spiral of interventions and I ended up with an emergency c-section and I do wonder if opting for the midwife led unit instead would have changed the outcome... 🤔
How far away is your birthing centre to your hospital? That would make my decision for me, I know some great birth stories and some not so great ones but it’s always nice to know hospital isn’t too far away x
My birthing centre is on the same corridor as labour ward so I can easily be transferred over if needed but I’m still indecided weather to go in birthing suit or labour ward