When you say she kicks her legs when on her tummy, is it like the "swimming" motion? My son did this a lot before he started army crawling. He would scream and whine but it was mostly out of frustration, eventually he got the hang of it. I'd just keep being persistent and offering plenty of tummy time, kneeling play, etc. but also some babies don't ever bother crawling and just go straight to walking..does she have any interest in being on her feet?
My little girl is 10 months today - she was 4 weeks early but is exactly the same. She could sit from quite an early stage but that meant that she's hated being on her tummy. She does the 'swimming' motion but we haven't progressed any further than that. She's fine on her back but when rolling she'll moan everytime she goes on her tummy. I bum shuffled as a baby instead so she could be the same. I just do tummy time little & often and obvs encourage her with her fave toys, food, a packet of wipes etc. x
My eldest didn’t start crawling until she was 10 months, she was too busy talking. Some babies just like to practice other skills first. She’ll get there! My baby has been pushing herself backwards for about 2 months and can push herself up to sitting from lying down but just can’t crack crawling 😂 I’m not worried, they all do it in their own time. I would encourage crawling before standing as it’s good for hip development, just keep doing tummy time, you can lay her on your leg so she’s in a supported all 4’s position, put toys to the side of her to encourage her to pivot during tummy time or when she’s sitting. It all helps build the core strength needed for crawling.
My girl is 9 months on Monday and she will not crawl no matter how hard we try to show her. She arches her back so her legs won’t go under her body. She is ready and raring to walk though. She will walk between my legs and hold onto my hands all the time - Lord help my poor back lol
All I would say is lots of floor time and make sure she is able to grip- no socks x
@Heather yes but she needs support
@Jana thank you! That makes me feel so much better. I think I find it hard because all the babies we know of a similar age are crawling
@Caitlin yes it looks exactly like swimming. My husband says that it looks like she’s skydiving 😂 yeah she’s starting to want to stand up and if I hold her hands she will pull to stand
@Rosie thank you so much! That makes me feel so much better! We sound like we’ve got very similar babies! 😂
My bub was pulling to stand a whole bunch before she started crawling. Like more than she use to. Perhaps she was building up her legs?? I started to think she was going to skip crawling and work on trying to walk instead. When I would play on the floor with her she’d always want to get to things that she couldn’t have like the nail clippers or my coffee so I use to lure her by holding those items in reach until she tried to get them I’d move them 😅 she wasn’t even army crawling she was rolling to get to them and then out of know where she started to crawl. It was the same week she started getting up into sitting position on her own. She hated tummy time and I barely got her to do it bc she’d roll herself out of it. Since like 6months I think?
Also she only started to crawl beginning of last week so very recent
Does she pull to stand?