@Lauren we are 40 mins in so far and I just walked past my bedroom portacot and it’s empty and I’m like telling myself NO DO NOT go and get him 😅 He wears ponsetti boots to bed so I’m really anxious that he goes onto his belly and doesn’t turn back over. He can, with the extra space. Our bedroom cot is slimmer so although he’s a side sleeper, the sides prevent him from being able to roll on his belly as his bars stop him. That’s probably what I’m mostly anxious about. Never know til you try!! It’s gonna be a struggle making sure I keep him there and don’t give in. I miss him already 🥲 Definitely gonna miss his big farts throughout the night 😆
3 hours in now. I’m about to go to sleep in my room. So nervous 😅
It’s now 3am: hes woken 2 times. I fed him both times but realised I probably didn’t need to feed him the second time as when I went in there he was almost back asleep on his own. But instead of waking up crying randomly (and me putting his dummy in) he has stretched his sleep for over 3 hours each time. It’s more ‘solid’ sleep. In my room he wakes up sometimes after 1.45hr of sleep for no reason. Hasn’t done that at all in his own room so far.
Wow this is an exciting milestone and one I’ve been nervous to take too. But your nap information gives me huge incentive haha as I neeeed to sleep. Sounds like you’re doing a great job and he is ready for the next step. Like you say if it doesn’t go the way you hoped you can bring him into your room and you’ll hear any noise and have the camera too. Bet he will love the extra space ! Let me know and I’ll do it next 😂 currently trying to get baby to nap in side crib… not happening 🫣🙄