Purple crying

Currently going through purple crying. Late at night for hours just him crying no matter what I do. I’ve broke down because of it. Has anyone else gone through it?
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Going through it now. Just to check- is he fed, diaper dry, and temperature is good? If so, get some earplugs or noise canceling headphones and just hold him. Also, make sure there aren't any hairs wrapped around his fingers, toes, penis, etc. My baby likes a warm bath. Maybe try skin to skin? He's probably exhausted and feeling all the feelings. It's so hard, but it is temporary. You can do this! Can you take turns holding him?

I’ve been dealing with this for most of my sons 9 weeks. Is he gassy at all? My son is always tooting and burping so I gave my son mylicon gas drops 2 nights ago and he’s calmed down a ton. If no to the gas, swaddle and shhhh that kid until you think your lungs are going to give out 🤦🏼‍♀️😅 I’ve also started playing a mix of pink and brown noise (didn’t know we have other colors of noise until 2 days ago) and he’s been a little bit more calm when he hears that. I found an app that you can mix those 2 sounds together. If you’re at your wits end and he’s safe you can always set him down and let him cry or pass him to your partner for a shift. Laying him across your arm face down while you bounce him can be helpful too. Unexplained crying is so hard just make sure you find a way to take a breath even if that’s setting him down and walking away for 5 minutes. I’m hoping you can find some peace soon!

Read the happiest baby on the block! The might help. My suggestion (from the book) is to swaddle, then SHHH the baby close to their ear at the volume in which they are crying, or higher, hold them on their side (I choose towards my chest instead of outward, and sway them… it sounds like a lot but I promise it works.

To add to Rosilyn’s comment, it’s called the 5 S’s to soothe a baby: 1. Swaddling 2. Side/stomach lying position 3. Shushing 4. Swinging (rocking) 5. Sucking

My LO is almost 10 weeks. When my baby is very fussy for hours on end it’s usually due to two things 1. Very gassy. Mylicon drops 2. Overtired and needs a nap, even if that nap is a run of broken up contact naps.

It took me a while to figure out the combo that works for our little one but when she’s like that (always at night), we - cluster feed and contact nap with her on our chest - when she cries, aggressive swaying/swinging side to side + aggressive shhhhh louder than her cries + light booty pats - do this in a dark room with red light - once she’s calm, I sing to her and she passes out For our girl, it’s because she’s over tired

When it gets bad i put on an upbeat playlist in my noise canceling headphones, swaddle, and bounce dance with him. It keeps me awake and positive and motivates me to keep moving him around. Midnight dance parties got us through the last couple of nights of projectile vomiting with a slight bit of sanity left

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