Emergency c section here as well, she was born 15min after I arrived at the hospital. My partner was still trying to find a space to park! He cries every time we talk about it. For me it was okay, I understood why I needed it that quickly and I'm glad both me and baby are doing okay. I couldn't have given birth naturally safely. Emergencies births can be hard to deal with because you might grieve the kind of birth you wanted. I think maybe it would help you to speak to someone about it. The midwife that did our baby classes on the NHS also does private work and I know she offers after birth debrief. I believe this could help! x
I didn't have an emergency c section but had a pretty rough birth ending in vantouse delivery and baby was on neonatal. I was offered a birth reflection appointment which was done via video call. It has really helped me process what happened
Also had a cat 1 emergency section at the end of January. I was contracting regularly and extremely painfully for 3 days before they admitted me at 3cm due to slow fetal heart rate. I laboured for 10 hours with just the birthing pool with gas and air. I had to get out the pool as the monitors weren’t picking up my contractions or baby’s heart rate properly. I then begged for the epidural, which failed twice before working. 25 mins later they’ve pressed the buzzer, my husband is being pushed away and I’m staring at him, terrified. Last thing I remember before being put to sleep is asking if my son was dead💔 his heart rate dropped to 20 and he had passed a lot of meconium. He had to be resuscitated for 6 mins. I woke up to my husband feeding our son and I didn’t even remember going the hospital in the first place - I asked if I could go home now! My throat was in agony from the breathing tube, I hadn’t slept since Sunday (this is now 3am on Thursday)
All I had eaten in 2 days was an apple and a croissant. I was completely out of it. My son wouldn’t latch, I could barely see through my tired eyes and I was in agony. I sobbed for 2 days in the hospital. I blamed myself for weeks thinking if I had just held out on the epidural he would have been fine (this caused his heart rate to plummet they said). I had flashbacks every time I closed my eyes. I look at him now and ofc you would never have known he entered the world so traumatically. Speaking to my mum helped loads (she’s had 2 emergency sections) and confiding in my wonderful husband. I think just remembering that it’s not my fault is whats helped the most. Birthing a child is so unpredictable. My son is here, he is safe and he is healthy. Please speak to people (message me if you like) and look into your hospitals birth reflection service. It’ll all be okay 💓
I had my baby 2 weeks late. I didn’t have a c section but had a lot of pain and when she was born I had a grade 2 tear and lost like a litre of blood. I then had really bad experience with my stitches , ended up with 2 infections , discharged from hospital too early and just wasn’t happy at all. I think it’s really important for you to talk to people about it , about your experience , let it out kinda thing. I don’t know about your health board but where I am there is a traumatic birth experience team , might be worth you getting in touch and just even having like a debrief almost of what happened. You got this mama xx