I think that if they're quality of sleep is good then you must be around the right amount of time. My LO sleeps around 12.5-13 hours total, if he does any more than his nights are really disturbed so this is where he's getting the best quality sleep so I go with it!
@Sera Kay ✨ do you follow specific wake windows? Or just go with the flow? X
@Amy yeah she does seem content with that amount but I do wake her up some mornings as otherwise her bedtime would get later and later. Do you follow specific wake windows? xx
I wake mine up sometimes too don't worry! I try to not have a wake window shorter than 2.5 hours but after that I follow his lead. He usually has 2hr45 and then 3.5 before bedtime on average
I'm pretty sure he's fairly low sleep needs but he's active ALL day long as well, I've grown a busy baby
@Amy you’ve made me feel a lot better thank you… her wake windows seem spot on as any different she fights the sleep so there’s just not enough hours in the day for any more sleep! I worry she’s somehow chronically overtired because of all the estimates online but she is also very active, so I need to stop overthinking!! X
Yes usually 1.45-2hr lately it’s been 2.20
Average for 4-11 months is 11-14 hours I believe. My son does about 13, sometimes a little less sometimes a little more.
10 hours at night and 3 in the day is absolutely perfect! Any less than 10 hours is unusually low, is what I’ve heard. 10-14 hours total is the range.
Thanks everyone 🥰 I think everything I read online makes it sound like she’s not getting enough sleep but then again it all ends up promoting a sleep training program or something at the end so think that’s probably why they have high estimates now thinking about it xx
Mine only sleeps for 11-12 hours in total and only 9-10 hours at night 😩 she used to sleep 12 hours overnight but she stopped doing that and started waking up early a couple weeks ago and I brought bedtime forward to make up for the loss of hours but she’s just waking up earlier. I’m worried too because she’s deffo not getting enough sleep as she only has 30 minute naps in the day too 
My 30 day average is 9. 5 hrs overall :'( Only way I can achieve daytime naps is walks or carrier and then it is only for 30mins. Night we used to sleep through 7-9hrs till the 4mth regression hit. Now sleeping through is about 4hrs, with 3 wakes typically a night. Improved for 2 nights then a recent cold ruined that. Trying not to obsess with sleep!
Hopefully this post is normalising that average sleep is a lot less than we’re told to believe and our babies are all ok and surviving on that 🙏 my obsession over sleep is something I didn’t expect from motherhood 😅😅 I think I definitely need to detox from tracking it so much x
Incognito, omg SAME!!!! I did not think tracking and obsessing over sleep would be something I’d be doing!! And I never did at the start, I only started doing this about two months ago and I wish I never started because I’ve given myself so many meltdowns on so many occasions and just constantly worrying but I try and tell myself that I can’t control her sleep so no point in getting myself in such a state 😩😂😂
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@Dana I’m exactly the same, it’s taken over my life and we should be enjoying our little ones 😭 the funny thing is, I’ve never found any benefit to doing it as my LO has never slept like everything online says is the “norm”, never slept through the night and everything changes so quickly so that by the time you get any sort of routine it changes again anyway. Just to provide you some hope though, I put my LO down for her predictable 30 min nap two weeks ago and she randomly slept over an hour and has been the same ever since. So that will likely improve for you soon x
13-15 hours. Average is about 14 & a half