All of my babies started to teeth around 6-8months, unfortunately there’s nothing you can do about it. They also have a lot of growth spurts during the first 1-6 months of their life so the screaming fits are probably because of that and the hand chewing is her way of dealing with the pain. If she starts to try and chew on any and everything especially firm things (your nip/bottle, your hands, a wooden bed frame or spoon toy etc, any furnish toys) then she could be starting to teeth.
@Rhonda 3 months
I can feel 2 sharp bits on her top jaw
They teethe for quite a while before teeth actually come. Their gums go hard and swollen. But this looks like it’s around her canine and that would be an odd first tooth to get 🤔 just keep an eye. You usually spot the silvery line in their gum when one first erupts. Both mine had their first ones through at 4 months so it’s not too early..:
What age is she?