What did your first day back look like?

I’m due to return back to work very shortly and was wondering what peoples first day back looked like. Pretty sure I won’t have a classroom or a full timetable. I also don’t remember any of my log in details or the software we use (hoping some of this will come back to me!). Slightly worried they are just going to throw me back into things like I was never away so I’m hoping hearing other people’s experiences will help me manage my expectations. Thank you!
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I returned in September straight into the classroom, moved from EYFS to year 4 for the first time so its felt like returning to an entirely different job to be honest. I've just picked things back up as I go along as there hasn't been any other option, which is hard but I luckily have a supportive year group team.

Straight back into it to be honest. I went back first day after Xmas. Also went straight into a middle leader role - it’s been really tough. I wish I’d used my kit days as a bit like a phased return and perhaps done half days or every other day for a week or so first x

I went back July after my first Mat leave. It was straight back in for me too, but to be fair Ofsted were there on my first day back! I went into a different role and was very nervous, but you get back into the swing of things quickly and I did enjoy having adult conversations again! 😁

I've just finished my first week back! First day was getting my head around my timetable (I'm a 'spare part' 😂 so don't have a class until September), speak to the teachers I'll be covering, go through emails, start some online training etc. Day 2 was when my timetable started, which was covering for extra leadership time (different class in am to pm). My timetable has 4 mornings of running KS1 phonics/maths groups so that was Day 3 am, then a ks1 teacher became unwell so I jumped into her class and ended up spending the rest of the day plus day 4 in there. Then Friday I covered another class as their teacher was off. I've done supply in the past so kinda used to covering. I did feel a little useless at times as I got my head round each classes routines/children etc and the tas were so helpful. But I also appreciate not being thrown in with full class responsibility and all that entails!

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